A Day In a Life

-Time is up! Submit your papers! What?? I’ve barely started. -Time.  Is. Up. I’m looking through my assignment. My paper is like a white sheet just after washing and only my name is written down in the corner. -YOU SHOULD SUBMIT IT NOW. I look around, trying to find support from the rest of theContinue reading “A Day In a Life”

What will happen next?

by Daria Shuklina It is only 8.30, but I’ve already opened my eyes. The weather seems to be perfect as the sun ray is trying to enter my room through the closed curtains. It’s unusually quiet, but perhaps it’s just too early for disturbing sounds of town life. I lay in bed a little bitContinue reading “What will happen next?”

Here comes the Sun

by Anastasia Shakhverdova I open my eyes, and the first thing that comes to mind is: “Thank God my exams are over. I can finally get some peace and quiet.” I turn on my back and take my time enjoying the warmth of the sunlight on my face. Suddenly I hear my cat meowing andContinue reading “Here comes the Sun”