Industrial Revolution

It is always difficult to talk about yourself, and especially to tell the story of your whole life. In the current circumstances, this is especially difficult to do, my mind is clouded with hunger, and the pain from the beatings makes it difficult to concentrate. But I will try because I am part of aContinue reading “Industrial Revolution”

Where was I on 9/11?

Hello, my name is Alice and I’m 40. I live in Manchester. I work as a radio host and also I run a weekend show, where I interview young famous people from different spheres. I’m going to tell you where I was on September 11 in 2001. That day and that time I was in Manchester, at home with my family – with my mother, brother and sister. It was an ordinary weekday. We had our family morning tea ceremony after the breakfast. I was a 4th year student of the faculty ofContinue reading “Where was I on 9/11?”